Uncle Mulder & Auntie Scully
The following is not meant to offend anyone. We are just being stupid. I repeat: stupid
I'm dissappointed with EW, they did such a poor job on XF coverage this whole season - and their send off to the x-files was a dinky little article!
It's so weird, M & S are like family - i can't believe they're going away for good...
Even tho Uncle Mulder hasn't been around for a while, Auntie Scully was always around... and now she's leaving too! It's like our whole family is falling apart!!!
I know, it's retarded, considering how many covers EW has dedicated to XF and they only have like, a 3 page article on it. It definitely deserved more than that!!
Ugh, they can't leave forever, it just wouldn't feel right, they can't abandon me when I need them most, my teenage years!!! It would just be unnatural! I love you guys, come back!!!
I am going to complain to EW one of these days... this whole year it's been like "when are you going to fork over the Xf goody-ness?!?!" I am mad at them!
We need their support now more than ever! They're like the only ones we can trust in these years of trouble!!
They're just being lame cause DD isn't on there, so they're not supporting the show anymore. Damn wankers.
I need Uncle Mulder to be there and give me advice on guys and stuff and Auntie Scully needs to help me with girly problems!!!
EW has always been all supportive of DD, but never of GA! Well, they did give HOM good reviews but other than that, i don't recall them ever being a big fan of hers. Stupid pukeheads!
I'm going to miss all of these hours spent playing video games with Uncle Mulder... while auntie scully makes us food... usually cookies, they're not always burnt, but sometimes they are...
I love theeeemm!!
I think the writers at EW are all women and are just madly in love with DD, lol.
Awwww... man, Uncle Mulder and I always played video games!! We used to play NBA In The Zone and he'd always play with the Knicks, and I'd beat him with pretty much every other team, lol. He sucked at video games, but we had some good times playing for hours and Scully watching and trying to help Mulder, but he never really got the controls down, lol. He's so silly!
One time me & Uncle Mulder played Smash Bros. That was the only time he wupped my ass! I was surprised... And from then on he was always like "Oh c'mon, let's play that brothers game!" And i hid it somewhere and told him that my imaginary cat picked it up (in it's mouth of course) and threw out of the apartment window... sure he never bought it, but how could he prove me wrong?
Auntie Scully knew where i hid the game tho, but she never told...
Scully's so cool all the time, she'll totally keep secrets and will never tell! I've talked to her about crushes I've had, how to deal with them, problems with school, depression, she's so easy to talk to about this stuff. It's like I can tell her anything!
LMAO! That's a classic Uncle Mulder story. One time, Uncle Mulder and I were playing basketball late at night at this school cause we were bored and Scully was catching up on some autopsy reports. So I got this lay-up, but then the ball got lost and since it was dark, Mulder and I couldn't see it. Actually, I knew where it was, but I didn't tell him, I just told him to keep looking in the opposite direction from where I knew the ball was. Man, he looked for hours, I tell you! He even took out a flashlight and finally, I couldn't hold it in anymore and brought the ball out. He was so mad that I didn't tell him, lol! Then he was mad at me for a few days and I felt so horrible, but then at dinner, Scully tried breaking the ice and Mulder was like, "HA! I was just playing with you, I was never mad at you!!" Oh boy, Uncle Mulder sure knows how to get me riled up!!!
But that's SO uncle Mulder for you!
He makes you think he's mad when he's really not!
You know what you should've done was while Uncle Mulder was looking - run and get the ball and make a basket. Lol. That would've been great!
I went to play basket ball with him late at night only once... It was really dark out and he kept saying "what was that?!?" i got all freaked out, even tho he was just joking. And then on our way home, i was walking really fast ahead of him, turned around and he was gone!!! I ran back the way we came and couldn't find him anywhere... Then somebody jumped from behind a tree and grabbed me... Ofcourse it was him.. stupid guy
After that, there was no way he'd get me to come out and play basket ball at night!
Auntie Scully is the best! She gives such great advice! She's the kind of auntie that EVERYONE should have ^^
LOL! Yes, I should've done that, huh?! Damn, why didn't I think of that, that would've been hilarious!!
Haha, Uncle Mulder is always trying to spook me too, he'll come up with crazy ideas for like, my beauty marks! And he'll try to scare me with stories of his work on the x-files right before I go to bed, so I'm like, all freaked out and dreaming of getting abducted! He's crazy, but I love the guy!
Scully rocks in so many ways. She's super smart, she's always got gret advice, and she makes me cookies and cocoa whenever you need something warm inside. And she makes a mean spaghetti, have you had it?
Crazy Uncle Mulder... He knows i can't stand any stories regarding doctors... so purposely he tells me x-file related doctor stories... so mean!!
And then he's like "Do you want a sun flower seed?" And when I say yes, he's like "Well you can't! Cuz they're mine!! Get your own!" How mean is that??!
But you're right, he may be completely nuts but i still luv him!
Auntie Scully's spaghetti is so berry chillin'! I love it! Cept the only thing is, i don't have it often, cuz spaghetti has a tendency to stick in the back of my throat and try and sneak it's way up my nasal passage... And then ofcourse Uncle Mulder starts bugging me about that too...
So we usually get chinese food! But that's always good! Chinese food is yummy, and Uncle Mulder can hardly eat with chopsticks so it's great fun to show him up!
Me & Auntie scully are like experts witht the chopsticks!
Awww.. dude, that's just cruel and unusual punishment!!! I'm eating some sunflower seeds right now, here, I'll share. *Gives half of sunflower seeds.*
The spaghetti's good, and it's funny, cause Uncle Mulder really likes it too, but he always gets heartburn after eating some cause it's so damn hearty and spicy, but that's what makes it good!! LOL, chopsticks are so much fun to eat with, one time, Mulder's chopsticks flew out of his hands. Auntie Scully and I practically peed ourselves laughing!!! It was tres classic!!
You know what's fun? Slumber parties with Auntie Scully! Over the summer, I go over and we'll stay up 'til like, 4 a.m. eating popcorn and watching scary movies on like, the Sci-Fi channel, it's so much fun! One time, we woke up Uncle Mulder, but he couldn't go back to sleep, so he joined our soiree, much fun was had by all!
Mmmm! Sunflower seeds! Thankies, you're the greatest..
You know, since Auntie Scully & Uncle Mulder are both our auntie & uncle.. that must make us cousins of some sort! Woot! We are SO related!
We need to go over and have a slumber party... all of us!
Once, I was over for a slumber party with auntie scully, and I wanted to play a prank on uncle mulder so bad, but she wouldn't let me dip his hand in warm water while he was sleeping, because she didn't want to have him ruin the sheets....
So, we decided on putting a blob of shaving cream in his hand and tickling his face with a feather...
Needless to say, the shaving cream was all over his face... I don't think he ever figured out what it was!
Auntie Scully is the best!!!
I knew we were related in some way!! I mean, we're both awesome, think alike, and we're both super duper groovy!!! You need to come over so we can chill with Uncle Mulder and Auntie Scully, one big happy family!!
HAH! Mulder is the greatest, Auntie Scully and I never tire of coming up with practical jokes to play on him! And the fact that he falls for all of them is just great! Good times are always had with Uncle Mulder and Auntie Scully.
Yeah, we all should get together! Hell, me thinks we should move in with Auntie Scully & Uncle Mulder! They'd be like our ultra cool parents, and we'd be sisters! that would be the ideal family!
I'm sure with you, me & Auntie Scully on the job, we can think of one huge ass practical joke to play on uncle mulder!
That's the best idea I've ever had!! It'd be the best family to be a part of, ever!!
I know that if you and I and Auntie Scully got together, we'd come up with the best joke ever to play on Uncle Mulder cause we're so smart and we all have Mulder on the brain!! We need to do this!!
For sure!
And the best part is, he wouldn't even be mad at us... He'd pretend to be mad, but he can't stay mad at the most important women in his life...lol!
Living as one big family! That would be so chillin'!
We could stay up every night with Auntie Scully & eat popcorn, watch movies, and play pranks! That is the life!
Knowing Uncle Mulder, he'd probably come up with an even meaner and better prank to pull on us, a fast one out of nowhere!!
*Sigh.* Oh how wonderful that all sounds..... I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be.
lol. And ofcourse Uncle Mulder would pull his hugeness prank when we all weren't expecting it, and REALLY get us! but it would be so much fun!
ANd hey you know they could take us to work with them! That'd be great!
we could dress all professional like, and leave dumb little messages in skinner's office and photo copy our faces!
Great fun!
I don't even want to think about the fun that could be had at the FBI with Wally, Dogbert, and Monny! And what about hiding files from Alvin!? That would be the bomb diggity!
They would ALL adore us so much!
They'd say to M & S "don't bring your children to work anymore!!"
And Our beloved aunt & uncle wouldn't listen because their response would be "They're not our children... more like our neices, so we have no control!" Muwahaha
Alvin would be our prime victim... Hiding files... leaving woopee cushions on his chair... swwweeeeeeet.
And then we could bug old dogbert by calling him both dogbert and then getting it mixed up with dilbert..
Then ofcourse, we'd have to ask him why his tie wasn't pointed upwards like in the cartoon.
Monny, how could we torture her?
I'm pretty sure that even if we tried our hardest to get her mad, she wouldn't get mad, she'd just giggle... she seems to bubbly like that...
We could probably get Uncle Mulder and Auntie Scully fired from the FBI, lol! They'd lock us in their basement office or something and we'd tear their office to pieces.
Alvin would get so mad at us. We should start singing like the chipmunks around him all day in the office just to annoy him!! It would be funny!!
Dogbert would probably find it funny at first, but then get mad and annoyed. Oh well, the more annoyed the better!
Monny would just not care, she'd be like, "Haha, more more!"
That was SO what I was thinking!! Alvin.. And he wouldn't be able to figure out why we were singing all chipmunk like, and we could tell him it's cuz "I'm Simon, Viviana's Theodore, and you're ALVIN! You know, Alvin and the chipmunks!?!?"
And then we'd have to be locked in the basement.
Dogbert would probably be like "And these girls are high school students???"
I can just picture monny giggling. I bet you she'd start bugging dogbert about dilbert too!
Ahhh.. but it would so be worth it, I'd gladly be locked in the basement if even for a glimpse of that fun and victory!
Dogbert would be so confused, he'd be running around the office trying to get us to stop while we chased him down the hallway with like, whip cream!
Monny would drop her work and join our crazy shenanigans, you watch
Monny would be like "You guys are the coolest!! Can you come in to work every day?!?!"
We'd probably set up some kind of string thing so that dogbert would trip as he came down the hallway. He'd be really pissed with us... but we'd just blame it on Monny, and all would be good, cuz he's too wipped to get mad at her!
Haha, rig Dogbert's office with a bunch of jokes. You know a paint of water over the door, tripping down the staircase, whoppee cushion, take away pens and pencils, steal lunch, etc. Good times at the FBI!!
We'd forever be known as the troublesome two or something like that!
It would be so much fun!
Poor dogbert, but hey, it's all in good fun... and if monny takes our side, our possibilities are endless.
And you know Uncle Mulder would just laugh at us, and Auntie Scully would just look away. The less she sees, the less she has to believe that we'd go and terrorize all of her co-workers..
We could get our own FBI badges that could say like, "Special Pranksters," instead of "Special Agents"!! Maybe Uncle Mulder would make them for us!!
Uncle Mulder would find our stuff hilarious and Scully would just be embarassed to know us and call us family, she'd probably duck behind the door if she saw us! Oh think of the summer fun ahead at FBI HQ!
Uncle Mulder would be so enthusiastic about making us "Special Prankster" badges, hell, he might even make himself one!
That'd be some major chillin'ness right there!
Poor Auntie Scully, but hey, we'd be having fun... And it's partially her fault, cuz she's the one who let's us get prank practice by playing pranks on uncle mulder!
You know if we got those, Monny would probably want one too, just cause she'd want to join in on the fun!
Auntie Scully would so be spoiling us. Outside of work, she'd come up with these great pranks, but at work, she'd be all serious and pretending she was too good for such childish nonsense. But we all know what she's really like!
Monny would get one too, and so there would be 4 'special pranksters'.
Aw that'd be awesome!!!
Auntie Scully - you are so right! She'd be all professional at work but at home... hee hee
We could tell dogbert stories about what she's really like, and she'd come and deny it all. And dogbert would be all confused! Fun!
We could start the "Special Pranksters" group of FBI agents or something, lol. You, me, Monny, and Uncle Mulder. Good times! Going around, playing pranks, annoying the superiors, lol.
Dogbert could hear different stuff of what Scully's like and approach her and she'd be like, "Are you high?" and he'd be like, "Why can't anyone ever tell me the truth!?!"
Awwww man.... I've had oodles of fun chilling with you tonight, but I'm getting sleepy, so I think I'm going to lie down and watch the rest of XF, if I can stay up! Talk with you tomorrow, XF DUDEY!!
LMAO! "Are you high" poor dogbert... poor poor dogbert!
I'm really sleepy too!!
Talk to you tomorrow... we should have a part 2 e-mail of our adventures with Auntie Scully & Uncle Mulder & The "Special Pranksters" tomorrow night!
And i'll add both to the stupidity section!
G'night mah xf homie!!