The following is not meant to offend anyone. We are just being stupid, i repeat; being stupid.
Yeah, I'm proud to be an x-phile these days, I mean check out the kick ass
shit that's going on right now:
- Scully's got a kid (William)! Aww.....
- Mulder? Who's he?
- Reyes and Doggett are showing some major angst towards each other and they
love each other. Gosh, their relationship is so deep and meaningful not to
mention intimate, just look at all of those stealing glances, small touches,
flirting. Man!
- Toothpick-Chewing Man or as I like to call him, "TCM," is in da hizzouse!
You know that guy's going to be important near the end of the season!
Yeah man, the show rocks! I'm so damn proud!!
Did i catch a hint of sarcasm?
TCM!!! That is great!
Reyes & Doggett's relationship would be a helluva lot more meaningful if they'd tell us more about
their past!! I can't stress that enough...
I'm so close to running around with a frying pan, hitting it over my head repeatedly while singing
"I wanna know i wanna know i wanna know..."
Any theories on who/what the tcm is??
All sarcasm provided by Viviana and is copyrighted. *Hee!*
Haha, CC and 1013 are so desperate to repeat the success they had with the
MSR, that they can't even develop a DRR. I mean, they give no history and we
hardly ever see them together, and all of a sudden they love each other!? I
mean, have you even noticed that they haven't even worked a single case by
themselves. They're always asking Scully for help and then she gets involved
and solves the shit. You hardly ever see D/R alone and that mustard-wiping
scene in "4-D" is one of the rare exceptions. Not that the scene showed
anything about their relationship besides the fact that kinky stuff turns
them on and that they'd probably use food during sex, lol. Okay, I don't
even want to think about them in that way, lol.
Yeah, TCM is my good friend. We go back a VERY long ass ways...... You know,
he's always chewing his little toothpick, I chew my straws; we make a good
team. He's hella nice, wouldn't hurt a fly. We hang out all the time, you
know, chewing on stuff and talking about world domination through alien
colonization. Sometimes he does a little business with Kersh to get his
plans in motion, nothing harmful or major. Some deaths, a few massacres,
some alien/human hybrid projects, kids stuff really. And he doesn't talk
much, as evident in the two episodes he's appeared in...... I don't know if
he's going to be in the finale or not. Might be. Might not. It's a
Woohoo Sarcasm!!!
Kinky food sex... Now i have dirty food related images in my poor little head!!
I don't think Doggett's kinky, i think it's Reyes who is... You saw his reaction when she wiped the
mustard... Event THAT sounds wrong!!!
I bet her & Follmer were the kinkiest XF couple that we never saw.... (if that made sense)
Chewing toothpicks & straw, next time you and the old TCM get together, i wanna come.. I'll bring my
grass, and i'll chew on that!
So I imagine, you do most the talking when the 2 of yas get together.
Does he grunt? Lots of guys like that grunt... or so i'm told!
Yeah, Doggett's probably into really romantic and deep/meaningful love-making
and Reyes is just a wild child who's into experimenting with 3-ways, toys,
food, etc. She just likes to have fun and isn't into anything serious. Her
motto: "The more the merrier!"
You're totally welcome to come the next time good old TCM and I chill. I'll
let you know for sure, I think he'd like you. You're cool, you're into
computer stuff, and you chew grass! TCM likes anyone who chews anything.
Are you into world domination through alien colonization, though? That's
kind of a must, I mean, we're planning the future here. I'm sure you are, I
mean, we're into a lot of the same things, so why not this too?
P.S.: ALL he does is grunt. No words or coherent noises, just
neanderthal-like grunts....
Poor Doggett, if he REALLY knew the kind o' stuff miss Reyes was into, he'd probably be scared
Sounds good, lemme know the next time you & TCM chill, i'll come along wit ma grass!
I'm not a big fan of alien colonization, but ya know, having me around might bring some new
perspectives into the whole thing.. OH WOW! I'll be helping planning the fuuuuture!!
So i guess it'll be us doing the talking then.
No prob, hey! I could bring some sticks for us to chew on too!
Sticks are good!!
I think we're meeting next Wednesday, so if you want to chill, you're more
than welcome. TCM will enjoy the sticks....
Good good good...
I can even bring flavored sticks!!
Take your pick: mint, hickory or chocolate
Hmmm.... tough choices. I like hickory and chocolate, but I'm not sure what
TCM would like. Why don't you just bring all 3 and we'll have a stick party?
WOohoo! Stick party!!!
I bet ya that'll be a way to make sure the TCM likes me!
Hee hee!!
Totally, and don't be offended if he just gives you a grunt. In TCM
language, a grunt is better than receiving nothing. At least a grunt shows
that he cares about you....
All right, i'll just have to remember grunt=good!